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Confront Fear

While fearing failure is not unique just to women, females often feel pressure to succeed in all aspects of their lives and never show weakness through failure or experiencing blunders. The fear of failure can be a powerfully hindering mindset & can possibly prevent someone from taking risks. This uneasiness would also prevent one from feeling confident in her choices, and from asking for help from others who can help her reach goals.

When fear strikes, the best thing you can do is to confront it head on and examine what is making you fearful. How likely is your worst-case scenario to happen, and what would it take to recover from that outcome? It's often been said 85% of what we fear may never happen. I'd suggest evaluating the skills & knowledge you have to assist you in the situation you have before you. Also, evaluate the fear that's real versus what's made up in the mind.

Spend some time getting to know and understand that fear and you will soon realize there is not as much to be afraid of as you once thought.


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