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Good morning!

I implore you today to think of yourself & the goals that you highlighted for 2020. A number of those goals may have been mentioned to continue what you began for yourself last year. Or you wanted to implement goals that helped you take your life to new heights - mind, body, & spirit.

I'd love to offer a couple of suggestions.

- Remind yourself that if you put it off 'til tomorrow, tomorrow may never come.

How can you honestly say that you will do something tomorrow, when you have no idea what tomorrow will bring? The "tomorrow promise" is easy to make. It is much easier not to do something than to do it. Just remember that if you allow yourself to put off taking action until the possibly never-arriving tomorrow, you may never take action at all.

- Listen to music that motivates you gets you fired up to take action.

Music can be a powerful motivator. You can probably name a couple of songs right now that bring you down and make you feel blue. The same is no doubt true for several songs that get you energized and feeling great. Turn on your favorite tunes the next time you need a little enjoyable motivation to get started on a project or pursuing some goal.

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